Isle of Man charity #1351
QPR Suicide Prevention Training
(Question, Persuade, Refer)
Isle Stand Up to Suicide, seeks to offer INTERVENTION, as well as prevention, via our helpline, counselling service and quality training.
QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Suicide Prevention Training is a 3.5 hour training course is specifically designed to give ANYONE the skills and confidence, to know how to intervene when someone is having thoughts of suicide or in a suicidal crisis. We offer this world renowned, evidence-based training to the wider Manx population on an on-going basis. (Details of upcoming courses are advertised regularly on our Facebook page).
“in 2020 the Isle of Man registered 24 deaths as suicide. In addition, there was a significant increase in suicide, and suspected suicide deaths in 2019, 2020 and 2022.” (ref: ‘Saving Lives: ending Suicide-IOM Government Suicide Prevention Strategy-March 2023).
We believe 1 life lost to suicide is 1 life too many. Suicide is one of the most preventable forms of death, IF, individuals in a suicidal crisis are able to access appropriate help quickly and effectively at their point of need.
We want to create a society in the Isle of Man where suicide is brought, ‘out of the shadows and into the light’. Only by removing the stigma and discrimination around suicide, can we encourage more people to reach out for help.
Through our QPR training we want to train as many people as possible, across every sphere of Island life, to know how to effectively help those around them.
Join us! Together we CAN make a difference!
For information about upcoming QPR courses please email us at: